F. Oggier (School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, NTU, Singapore)
For clustering general data, we saw data points in $\mathbb{R}^d$. Can't we do the same things for a graph (a simple graph $G=(V,E)$)?
To do clustering in $\mathbb{R}^d$, we typically use the Euclidean distance, or at least some distance.
If 2. is removed, we speak of pseudo-metrics/distance. If 3. is removed, we speak of quasi-metrics/distance.
Given an undirected (connected) graph, the length of a shortest path between two nodes is an actual distance. So if we could map any vertex $v\in V$ to a point ${\bf x}_v\in\mathbb{R}^d$, so that the length of a shortest path between $u,v$ is the same as $||{\bf x}_u-{\bf x}_v||^2$, then we could just embed $G$ into $\mathbb{R}^d$ and cluster the graph there.
This is called an isometric graph embedding.
This certainly is not possible all the time (Deza and Laurent, "Geometry of Cuts and Metrics").
The problem becomes more interesting if we allow a distorsion.
(Bourgain 85) Every $N$-point metric space $(X,\rho)$ (and thus in particular a graph with $N$ vertices) can be embedded into a Euclidean space with norm $l_2$ (the original work used the $l_1$ norm) with a distorsion of $O(\log N)$. This distorsion is known to be tight, since some expander graphs are reaching it.
Many works to refine the embbeding and to find the lowest dimension $d$ (Matousek, "Lectures on Discrete Geometry").
Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma for dimensionality reduction.
A computational embedding can be obtained using semidefinite programming:
Consider the $N\times N$ matrix $F$ whose columns are the embeddings $f(v_1),\ldots,f(v_N)$. Then $X=F^TF$ has coefficients $x_{ij}=\langle f(v_i),f(v_j)\rangle$ and is positive semidefinite. To have a $D$-embedding into $\mathbb{R}^N$, we need for all $v_i,v_j\in V$: \begin{eqnarray*} && \rho(v_i,v_j)^2 \leq ||f(v_i)-f(v_j)||^2 \leq D^2 \rho(v_i,v_j)^2 \\ &\iff& \rho(v_i,v_j)^2 \leq x_{ii}+x_{jj}-2x_{ij} \leq D^2 \rho(v_i,v_j)^2. \end{eqnarray*} Therefore, for ${\bf d}$ a vector of norm $D$, that is such that $\langle {\bf d},{\bf d} \rangle =D^2$, we can formulate the problem of finding a $D$-embedding into $\mathbb{R}^N$ which minimizes $D$ as the following semidefinite program: \begin{eqnarray*} \min & \langle {\bf d},{\bf d} \rangle \\ s.t. & \rho(v_i,v_j)^2 \leq x_{ii}+x_{jj}-2x_{ij} \leq D^2 \rho(v_i,v_j)^2,~\forall i,j. \end{eqnarray*}
This program optimizes $D$ given the dimension $N$ (therefore a higher dimensional embedding could give a smaller distorsion).
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
G = nx.Graph()
all_paths = [x[1] for x in nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(G)]
N = G.order()
dist_list = []
for i in range(N):
dist_list.append([len(all_paths[i][u])-1 for u in G.nodes()])
dist = np.matrix(dist_list)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3))
[[0 1 2] [1 0 1] [2 1 0]]
import cvxpy as cp, scipy.linalg
def embed_graph(N,dist):
n = N+1
C = np.zeros((n, n)) # Generate the objective function.
C[n-1,n-1] = 1
A = [] #Generate the constraints
b = []
for i in range(0,N):
for j in range(i+1,N):
M = np.zeros((n,n))
M[i,i] = 1
M[j,j] = 1
M[i,j] = -1
M[j,i] = -1
for i in range(0,N):
for j in range(i+1,N):
M = np.zeros((n,n))
M[i,i] = 1
M[j,j] = 1
M[i,j] = -1
M[j,i] = -1
M[N,N] = -dist[i,j]**2
X = cp.Variable((n,n), symmetric=True)
constraints = [X >> 0]
constraints += [cp.trace(A[i]@X) >= b[i] for i in range(int(N*(N-1)/2))]
constraints += [cp.trace(A[i]@X) <= b[i] for i in range(int(N*(N-1)/2),N*(N-1))]
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(C@X)),constraints)
L = np.linalg.cholesky(X.value)
(D,L) = embed_graph(N,dist)
dist_l2 = np.zeros((N,N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
dist_l2[i,j] = np.linalg.norm(L[i,:]-L[j,:])
1.000000000002172 [[ 1.00000023e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 4.56290903e-07 6.75500220e-04 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [-9.99999316e-01 1.35097158e-03 9.05137303e-06 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
array([[0., 1., 2.], [1., 0., 1.], [2., 1., 0.]])
So graphs typically cannot be embedded isometrically.
See spectral clustering for another method to embed graphs.
The idea is that if a network contains clusters connected by a few edges, then all shortest paths between them must go along one of these few edges (and they are likely to have high edge betweenness). Removing these edges reveal the clusters.
Girvan–Newman (02):
Let $C=\cup C_i$ be the correct partition of the nodes, and $C' = \cup C'_j$ be another clustering. For every $C_i \in C$, compute the set $P_2(C_i)$ of all subsets of two elements of $C_i$, and similarly the set $P_2(C'_j)$ of all subsets of two elements of $C'_j$. Then for $P = \cup P_2(C_i)$ and $P' = \cup P_2(C'_j)$:
An $F$-score of 1 means a perfect match. The closer to 1, the best an $F$-score is.
Modularity (Newman 04,06)
Given a clustering, modularity measures the number of edges that lie within a cluster compared to the expected number of edges of a random graph with the same degree distribution (random graphs are not expected to have community structure).
Louvain (Blondel 08): Find the clustering that maximizes the modularity.
#pip install python-louvain, https://python-louvain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
import community
Gdolph = nx.read_gml('dolphins.gml', label = 'id')
partition = community.best_partition(Gdolph)
part_label = [partition[u] for u in partition]
val_map = {}
for k in range(0,Gdolph.order()):
val_map[k] = part_label[k]
values = [val_map.get(node, 0) for node in Gdolph.nodes()]
nx.draw(Gdolph,cmap=plt.get_cmap('rainbow'), node_color=values,node_size=60)
What happens if the graph is directed?
citation-based clusters
flow-based clusters
Rosvall and Bergstrom (08)
This becomes a coding problem: select a clustering of the nodes, which minimizes the description length of the random walk.
Each node is given a Huffman codeword based on the visiting frequency of the random walk (in an infinitely long walk): shorter codewords are assigned to more frequently visited nodes.
The interest is not in the codewords themselves but rather in the theoretical limit of how concisely we can specify the path.
The random walk trajectory is described by a two-level description: unique names (codewords) are assigned to the clusters (coarse-grain), while the codewords for nodes inside a cluster are reused (fine-grain).
Analogy with a geographic map: unique names are assigned to cities (clusters), while names for the streets (nodes) can be reused.
When the random walker enters a cluster, use the codeword for this cluster, then use codewords within, and then an exit code when going out of the cluster.
The clustering problem becomes finding the partition that results in the minimum description code length (minimize a sum of two terms, the entropy of moving between clusters, and the sum of the entropies of moving within each).
Schaeffer, Graph clustering, Computer Science Review
Malliarosa and Vazirgiannis, Clustering and Community Detection in Directed Networks:A Survey
Oggier, Phetsouvanh, Datta, Entropy-based Graph Clustering - A Simulated Annealing Approach, ISITA 2018